“Father, I have sinned” … HEAR MY CONFESSION
When we hear of the act of Confession we usually think of The Sacramental Church … much has been said in scorn of the “church” that seems to advocate confession without conversion … and yet, the Bible has much to teach us regarding Biblical confession.
It is so powerful when you utilise and express a Biblical Confession … When you Biblically, “Confess with your mouth”, believing assuredly in you heart, you are aligning yourself with Divine Truth, as opposed to the philosophies of the World, the Flesh and the Devil, these permeate the World in general and are opposed to the Word of God.
Confession of Faith in Christ is a declaration of your redemption … proclaiming His “finished work” at the Cross, which is “foolishness to the World” and of no consequence to the unbelieving who see the Cross as a miserable failure and loss.
We confess our sins, the root and cause of our sins, sin itself: We confess our total inability to save ourselves and confess heartily that Christ alone is our means of trust for redemption and by faith proclaim Him as Lord and Saviour. This is the confession of faith that redeems and brings us into a full Salvation.
In the Journey of Life, we need to identify the causes of failed relationships and seek reconciliation rather that justify our ill will, which prolongs the alienation that occurs when there is a breakdown between us.
Wounds and even darkness can enter our soul when we resist humbling of ourselves … Jesus has the solution … “if, when you are offering your gift you remember that you have a difference with your brother, leave your gift (un-offered), and first be reconciled to your brother … then return, and offer your gift” … How simple! and yet, how complex we make personal reconciliation between those of us who have a “difference”
Why not simply, confess that difference and prevent the Evil One gaining further ascendancy and disempowering our spiritual life. A failure to humble ourselves … to confess our wrong doing is to bind us, keeping us from the blessing of God and the freedom in The Spirit of God (1 John 1;7-9)
Confessing need/s is the steps to restoration, whether in the realm of Healing, Deliverance, or the fulfilling of an answer to any need. No confession of need means no reaching out to God for His miraculous intervention and miraculous working.
“I was brought low and He helped me” is what the Psalmist confessed … “This poor man cried, and the Lord delivered him out of all his troubles and distresses”. Covering up a need may satisfy the Proud but leaves us in continuing and progressive Need.
What is our Great Confession, our Testimony? … It is solely, absolutely and only The Word of God, the testimony of the upright, put in simplified terms is, God says it, I believe it, that settles it!
Sounds trite, even childish to some, however, but what Father or Mother would not be horrified knowing that their “word” and their promises were not trusted by their adored offspring? …
And yet, we chafe, we wrestle with unbelief, and doubt the Word of a flawless, never failing God. How sad and insulting it is to doubt the Word of The LORD, we do this to our detriment.
Our good confession is Christ as Saviour and Lord … His Word is our confidence … in fact, our protection and our weaponry.
So, confession is not merely the listing of wrongs, great and small in a religious sense and not experiencing change. No! Biblical confession is the threshold to miraculous change. Confessing your need, confessing the resources of God are the steps to drawing on those resources and confessing your victory and provision in Him.
The earlier Church called such confessions “Creeds” … “Articles” or, Rule of Faith and conduct, and they “work” mightily, miraculously. Make a “good confession” and walk in that confession and see great change within your life.