Tony’s Post


Let’s face it, whether it’s the Magicians of Egypt, the Disputers of Athens, or the “Wise Men of Babylon”. The Intelligentsia of this world hasn’t the answers to its own dilemmas, much less the Mysteries of God … History proves that. 

It was Moses who refuted the Soothsayers of Memphis, Daniel who gave understanding to Nebuchadnezzar and a succession of Kings while in Exile … it was Joseph who saved Nations from extinction and Paul who in Acts 17 defined and declared the “unknown God”.

What does that say to us today in our darkened and ever increasingly darkening World? It says Two Things … one, that “the world by (its) wisdom knew not God” and we could add, nor the things of God because they dismiss the spiritual and eternal as “foolishness” (1 Corinthians 1;21) Then when confronted by the miraculous they must resort to the counterfeit which is indeed supernatural, superseding the “natural”, being occultic but still limited and a failure.  

It tells me too that a True Believer, filled with the knowledge of God and His Word supersedes the Wise Men of Babylon, the Disputers of Athens and the soothsayers and blabberer’s of Egypt.

The big problem is an Intimidated Church … a people potentially with the answers that can decisively meet the dilemmas of man, are often silent believing subconsciously the propaganda of this World. 

Let the world scoff and ridicule and taunt the Believers but, in the place of their assumption that the Bible is absurd, let them provide the answers and Lifestyles that surpass the Life Abundant that Jesus gives; the freedoms and joys of Eternal Redemption. 

“Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is The Disputer of this World? Has God not made foolish the wisdom of this world?” (1 Corinthians 1;20)

How has God demonstrated the shallowness and emptiness of the World’s scorn and self inflated and groundless ego? … By the millions of transformed lives around this creaking Globe who, in simple trust have found in Christ a Redeemer, and an escape from The Schemer that once had them blinded and bound (2 Corinthians 4;1-6) Those who now live freely, happily, and with Purpose and Passion for God and His Will.

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